Selasa, 12 Januari 2010

Pantat lepek!!

October 9th, 2008 by taqins

Berawal dari kesialan gue masuk SMA 1 Ciputat, yang sering di bilang PL(PangLima) atau Pantat LEpek! Yaitu sebuah sekolah negeri ternorak gak bermutu dan toiletnya jongkok!serta penjaga sekolahnya ada yang mirip artis,itu th PONgki jikustik!sumpah dia mirip banget sama PONGKI! cuman beda nasib aja kali!!

Disini gue juga dapet guru” yang gak kalah noraknya! sebagai sempel ada sebiji guru yang gue gak suka,dia itu guru sosiologi yang namanya Endang!orangnya kecil pendek menyerupai toge dan yang terparah dia itu kurang ajar(gak pernah hormat sama orang yang lebih tinggi dari dia)udah kecil gak sopan juga! dan ciri khas lainnya adalah poninya yg ngeselin menyerupai portal!sebab itu bu Endang lebih terkenal dengan sebutan Bu Portal!!!

selain Bu Portal gue juga gak suka sama guru bahasa jepang!gimana ya?setiap belajar bahasa jepang bawaan gue BT aja,gak ada gairah sama sekali! Oh,ya gue lupa siapa nama guru bahasa jepang gue, yang jelas nasibnya juga gak jauh dari Bu Portal, dia lebih terkenal dengan julukan SEIBETAT(SEnsei Belah Pantat) di julukin gitu gara” model rambutnya juga sih yang belah tengah mirip belahan pantat!makanya gue ragu kalo sensei boker,dia ngeluarinnya dari pantat apa dari kepala,ya?

SEnsei penah nyuruh kita buat punya kesukaan pada segala sesuatu yang berbau jepang gitu,dengan maksud agar kita lebih bisa mendalami belajar bahasa jepang.

Semua teman-teman sontak terkentut,ngasih usulan ke sensei,kebanyakan mereka usul gimana biar kita lebih mendalami bahasa jepang kita harus hobi nonton anime,suka J-rock,sering makan di Hoka_hoka bento,

gue sendiri gak mau kalah ngasih usulan ke sensei! “sensei gimana kalo kita jadiiin nonton bokep jepang sebagai hobi?!yah,biar kita lebih cinta semua yg berbau jepang!pasti semua juga setuju,”

usulan gue memang jenius,spontan dan kreatif namun sayang karena takut di usir dari jam pelajaran sensei, gue memendam usulan gue itu!

one 218 sepeninggal gue..

  (oke ini hanya ilustrasi, nggak separah ini kalee..)

on3 218 sepeniggal gue

November 24th, 2008 by taqins

auh,yang namanya One sekarang udah gak unngul lagi! dulu boleh prestasinya bagus banget kayak juara 1 sekolah sehat tingkat provinsi atau peringkat 16 nasional dalam olimpiade matematika!

hahhha…sekarang zaman-zamannya ade kelas gue menguasai one sekolah ini jadi ancur gak karuan!. kemaren ada sebuah insiden yang bikin gue kencing gak pake celana (aneh),

begini ceritannya,

entah iseng tau mau coba sebuah trend gaya boker terbaru, seorang kelas tiga berak di dalem gayung,oke untuk menjaga privasinya gue inisialkan naman dia menjadi PBdG (Pelaku pemBokeran di Gayung),dan yang menjadi korban adalah anak kelas satu ,si korban juga gue inisialkan menjadi KKTdK(Korban Kejatuhan Tokai di kepala),

saat setelah meletakkan sebuah benda berekor berwana emas didalam gayung,si pelaku dengan sengaja meletakkan benda berharga itu diatas pintu, gak lama KKTdk/Korban Kejatuhan Tokai di kepala masuk kedalam toilet.mungkin karena sial (sialnya disinyalir karena jarang ganti celana dalem) ranjau udara yang telah dipasang diatas pintu langsung menghujam kearah kepalanya!


si anak kelas satu/KKTdK langsung nangis kenceng,akhirnya dia dimandiin ama pak suparman(masih ada kerabat sama supermen), baru kali ini ada insiden separah itu. kalo di zaman gue sih anak kelas satu cuman dikerjain kelas tiga dengan dipaksa ikut tawuran, belom pernah ada tindakan pemberian mahkota TOKAI di kepala! suer, ana zuzur biar kesambet tinja,eh ninja hatori!

NB: bagi anak kelas enam SD yang mau ngelanjutin sekolah dan belum mau kawin, berpikir ulanglah jikalau anda mau bersekolah di SMP 2 ciputat! siapkan mental dan bagi yang belum di sunat tititnya jangan sekolah disitu ya! (apa coba hubungannya!)

byeee….see u on the next story!!!!

Senin, 04 Januari 2010

Horror Tale


Everybody never hopes to have a horror tale, but contradictive to me, I don’t know why I have many horror tale to be told based on true story of my experience. For instance a story about the mysteriousness in my house. It was so strange and also acceptable.
When I was fifth grader in Elementary school, my family moved to new house. Firstly everything was going on normally, no pecualiarity or regardless. Notwithstanding, when the night came (it was our first night in this house) the pecualiarity appeared. Started with a nightmare I got, inside there I saw two corpses were floating in the bathub. It was very horrible because they soiled with bleeding, too many injuries in their bodies and they seemed looked at me with goggling eyes. However the most abominable was the place that it occurred was the same with the bathroom at this home absolutely.
Next morning, I woke up and told to my mother directly. “Mom, I Swear it’s true! I dreamt two corpses were floating in the bathub!”
Knowing that, she grinned at me. I couldn’t be trusted by mother although I looked so serious. Even she laughed and said. “Stop it! It’s just your imagine! I think you have to throw away your horror CD! You know, ghost is just joke!”
Afterwards I began to forget that dream, maybe what my mother said was right, then I tried to empty my mind and assumed it never happened.
“Better I forget it, and for what remember it?” I said.
Day in day out, finally I could to forget that dream, actually it not entirely. When in the bathroom I still felt fairly paranoid. Sometimes there was a illustration in my mind, where was reflected the part of my dream.
At night, it was a heavy rainstromi woke up suddenly! I got dream! I dreamt the same ! my sweat flowed fastly, I had open my eyes and my legs trambled, unfortunately I could to get up. I didn’t know why I couldn’t move. A few minutes I was in trouble. I prayed, hoping the condition would be normall soon. But it was useless, I really couldn’t move during the whole that time I just surrendered. After about a minute I returned to fall asleepy.
In the morning I told it my mother anymore,unexpected my parents got that dream too. They realize somethin’ wrong at last night, feeling the same with me. They tought to move from here, but I known it was no easy to be done.
When the day had changed into night , someone screamed from the bathroom loudly! “Don’t kill me! Go away!”
Hearing that, all of us in this house ran to approach the bathroom. We open the door hesitatingly… and nobody inside. It was so real, hearing clearly but nobody inside there. We were so fearful too much. We thought it was maked by ghost.
At last, two months later we moved from here. As long as that time a lot of terrors by that ghosts. Based on our neighbour explanation in this house ever happened bleeding plundering tragedy where the robbers killed two persons, their corpses was found near the bathroom. Maybe it was the reason why this house had horror tale.